
NO.1 Hanghai West Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China

How to use disinfection fogger

Date:2013-11-04 11:17:32    Click:

Commonly used disinfection fogger types are: portable , backpack , vehicle-mounted , propelled and so on.
The use of motorized disinfection fogger :
( 1 ) Before you start : check all parts are correctly installed and firmly , checking oil system is smooth .
( 2 ) Starting: in the tank and by adding the required configuration precipitate filtered mixture of oil , open the fuel door switch, start to pull the door switch 1/2-1/3 position , properly adjusted choke , push the needle until the oil fuel start rope , will start up slowly pull round 3-5 times the mixture of oil into the gas tank , quickly pull the last set , the start will be the main throttle open .
( 3 ) Spray test : Verify normal operation of the engine and the throttle should be added after the water spray test , check all connections for leaks , spray the door and all parts are working correctly .
( 4 ) Sprayer operations: adding kits plus liquid within the liquid should not be too full, close the lid. Plus liquid , can make low engine speeds . The machine on his back , appropriate adjustments to the engine throttle to reach the rated speed and stability. Open the spray switch , liquid mist spray. 

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